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Are you ready to join the Republican 2.0 Movement? It’s time to fight for the future of Connecticut and it starts by holding ALL of our elected public officials accountable for their decades of failures. Martin Looney is entering his 22nd term in the General Assembly. Let me repeat. Martin Looney is entering his 22nd term in office. These “leaders” have continuously failed the residents of District 11 with failed tax reform, underperforming education, and increased levels of violent crime that have ranked New Haven as the most dangerous place to live in the entire state of Connecticut.

We start this movement by creating a platform that both modernizes and revolutionizes the Republican Party all while giving a voice to the next generation of Conservative leaders. This includes Minorities, Women, the LGBTQ community, Millennials, and Gen Z. As an individual who believes in maximizing freedom through limited government and supported by our Constitution, I’m also tired of what the Democratic Party has done in destroying the Constitution State by which I call home. At some point, it’s vital that the voters of District 11 realize that the common denominator in our failed district has been Democratic leadership. We have not had a Republican Mayor since 1953 and the incumbent Martin Looney who was elected as State Legislature before I was born in 1980 has also held his Senate seat since 1993. You can’t blame Republicans for the failures in a full controlled Democratic city. Regardless of your party affiliation one thing ultimately holds true…  Term limits need to be enforced, but unfortunately, the only people who do not believe in term limits are those who want to remain in power.

Nothing changes if NOTHING CHANGES!!!

A complete paradigm shift is vital to the future of both New Haven and Hamden. I honestly didn’t know how bad it was in my district until I started peeling back the layers and speaking with countless community leaders and residents.

Quality of life grades in 3-2-1.

Education = F … 92% of the schools are below average and 40% of our kids are performing 2 grades behind. Hamden isn’t much better with 50% of its 12 schools performing below average. New Haven is also ranked dead last in education within the entire state of Connecticut.

Crime = F … New Haven is the 36th most dangerous city in the entire U.S., and the most dangerous city in Connecticut. New Haven ranks #1 in both violent and property crime and residents have a 1 in 80 chance of being the victim of a violent crime.

Jobs = F … We never seem to have constant stream of jobs for our residents. When you have no economic vitality in a failing city what do you expect?

Poverty Rate = F … 27% of New Haven residents are currently living in poverty. That’s 1 in 4 people.

Debt = F… Hamden has the highest debt per capita in Connecticut and a total liability of well over $1 billion.

Taxes = F … Not only do we have some of the highest taxes in the state, but the incumbent has voted YES to every single tax hike during his tenure. No wonder Martin Looney is labeled the “TAX KING.”

New Haven has also sold 60% of its property, which is now “tax exempt.” This equates to over $120m in lost tax revenue for the city, but that’s ok. The other 40% of the New Haven residents will make up the difference.

What’s the Common Denominator? Democratic leadership.

Incumbent = Martin Looney ( D ) – 22 Terms. President Pro Temp of the Senate, which is the highest ranking official in the CT General Assembly. Let me repeat… 22 TERMS!!!

Congressional 3rd – Rosa DeLauro ( D ) ( Progressive ) has had her seat since 1991.

Mayor ( D ) – We haven’t had a Republican Mayor in New Haven since 1953. The current Mayor of Hamden and her team are also progressively Democrat.

State Rep ( D ) – All 7 State Representatives in New Haven Are Democrat.

Aldermen ( D ) – All 30 Wards in New Haven are represented by Aldermen who are Democrat. ALL 30 !!!

Board of Ed ( D ) x Progressive. We are the only district in the entire state that mandated masks in the classroom up until the last day of school.

Let me REPEAT. Nothing changes if NOTHING CHANGES!!!

Dear Voter,

I entered the political arena because I felt there was something missing. I felt that my family’s needs and well-being were being put aside by my representatives. As I listened to the concerns of our extended families, our friends, neighbors, and the many constituents in the community I realized change was NEEDED. I felt the worry for the future – for the safety and education of our children; for the opportunity to keep the roof over our heads, food on our table, and consistent work in order to provide for our family’s.

This election is not about the jobs not done, it is not about the voices left behind; this election is about moving forward, it is about building an effective, attainable strategy that will substantially elevate New Haven’s 92% BELOW Average school rating. It is not about the racial and political divide, it is about unifying this district in a dynamic way that embraces business development while minding its citizens.

This is the time to fight back — this is a choice my family and I are choosing to make, because we believe in the strength of this community that we call the 11th District.

I am a minority. I am a business owner and I’m highly educated. I AM the melting pot of America. And while the race divide is a hotbed of conversation for America, I am not interested in furthering the division or spotlighting our differences. This election is our opportunity to unify the 11th District. It is our opportunity to make our streets safe, ensure our children have access to quality education and foster an environment for small and big businesses to thrive.

This is real life. We all have bills to pay, we all want to work, we all want to feel safe, and we want our loved ones to have the same if not better.

I have created a strategic and collaborative plan that will see us, as a community, taking substantial steps in the right direction. A direction where party affiliation should not matter as we all want the same things for our community. While Rome wasn’t built in a day, I am powerfully confident – with your vote – we will usher in the successful future Hamden and New Haven deserve.

I am Steve Orosco, and I’m running for State Senate in November. With your vote, I am wholly committed to making a difference.

Steve Orosco

Let’s talk about the issues…


Do you think 15 terms of failed leadership is too long for a career politician?


Do you feel safe with the increase in violent crimes ?


Do you accept the local public school systems falling well below the national average?


Do you approve of the way your tax dollars have been spent over the past 15 terms?


Do you feel politicians should decide what's in the best interest for your children?



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